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Human Rights Film Festival

Heroínas sem nome

heroinas sem nome

Angola. 8 years after the war, Angolan women demand their place in history. They strove for peace from the shadows and now the struggle continues as they demand their rights in Angolan society.

Year: 2010
Origin: España
Direction: David Aguilar, Pello Gutiérrez
Production: Zazpi t'erdi, Haurralde Fundazioa
Script: Balbina Martins da Silva, David Aguilar, Pello Gutiérrez
Photography: David Aguilar, Pello Gutiérrez
Mounting: David Aguilar, Pello Gutiérrez
Music: Julian Tyrasa
Lenght: 29 min.
Contact: Zazpi t'erdi
Tfno: 943 45 89 89