FUNAN (2018)

Victoria Eugenia Antzokia Friday, 05 April 2019 / 22:30 4,50 € Tickets

Cambodian genocide: three years, eight months and twenty days of terror

France-Belgium-Luxembourg. Direction: Denis Do. Production: Sé́bastien Onomo / Les Films d'Ici. Coproduction: David Grumbach, Annemie Degryse, Louise Génis Cosserat, Justin Stewart, Mathieu Rolin, Arnaud Boulard, Gilles Sitbon / Lunanime, Bac Cinema, WebSpider Productions, Epuar, Ithinkasia, Amopix, Cinefeel 4, Gaoshan Pictures, Special Touch Studios. Screenplay: Denis Do, Magali Pouzol, Elis Trinh. Music: Thibault Kientz Agyeman. Running time: 84 min

LANGUAGE: French / SUBTITLES: Spanish 

April 1975. Chou leads a peaceful life in Phnom Penh, until the morning the Khmer Rouge plunge Cambodia into horror. In the following weeks they set about deporting vast areas of the population to the countryside. During the journey, Chou sees his 4 year-old son disappear into the crowds. His world crumbles around him, but he refuses to lose hope. Funan tells the incredible and powerful story of a mother and father who struggle to save their son and to keep the family together in times of war.