Zinea eta giza eskubideen iv. Topaketak.


Childhood is particularly vulnerable to the ravages of war. One of the reports presented by Kofi Annan in his last days as UN Secretary-General indicated that two million children have died in the last decade; 6 million no longer have a home; 12 million have been injured and/or disabled and at least another 300,000 child soldiers currently participate in 30 conflicts in different parts of the world.

According to figures published by UNICEF, 1 out of every 8 children in pre-war Iraq didn’t live to see the age of 5. Following the US invasion, it is anticipated that 1 of every 3 Iraqi girls and boys won’t reach the age of 2. Those who do survive will probably suffer traumas affecting their future development.

The physical, sexual and emotional violence to which children are exposed destroys their world. The war undermines the foundations of their life projects, wrecking their homes, dividing their communities and greatly reducing their trust in adults.

Giza Eskubideen Aldarrikapena

Euskadiko GGKEen Koordinakundea