Zinea eta giza eskubideen iv. Topaketak.
Solitário anônimo

Solitário anônimo (2007)

An old man lying on the grass waiting for death. In his pocket a scrap of paper announced that he was from far off lands. He had neither documents nor belongings. His wish was to die nameless and alone. This is the beginning of a story about a man determined to plan and control his own death. A film about freedom, life and death.

Zuzendaritza: Debora Diniz
Ekoizpena: Imagens Livres
Gidoia: Debora Diniz
Argazkia: Dustan Oeven, Moisés Cabral, Paulino "Flecha" Alvarenga
Muntaketa: Ramon Navarro
Iraupena: 18 min.
Kontaktua: Imagens Livres
Tf: 55 61 33 43 17 31