Solidarity action against rights cuts

Today the achievements of years of social and trade union struggle run the risk of returning straight back to where they began. The crisis is being used as a pretext by European governments to cut economic, social, cultural and even political and civil rights, guarantees of the welfare state and democracy on which Europe is supposedly founded.

The anti-social and alleged austerity measures currently imposed do nothing but aggravate an economic and social situation that directly affects the job market and the working class. It is especially harsh on youngsters among whom, according to figures for 2011 issued by Eurostat, the unemployment rate in Spain stood at 46%, the highest in the European Union. This situation not only hinders the ability of youngsters to leave home and fend for themselves, it also shackles the opportunity to develop their life projects.

Zenbatekoen atzean ezkutuan dauden errealitate sozialak anitzak dira eta ez dute, ez, islatzen estaldura sozialen gero eta urritze nabarmenagoa. Krisiak kolektibo kalteberenak jotzen ditu batik bat. Horrexegatik, orain, inoiz baino gehiago, beharrezkoa da Europa sozial eta solidario baterako alternatibak proposatzea.

Film: The Snows of Killimanjaro (Les neiges du Kilimanjaro)

2024 © copyright
  • San Sebastián Donostia 2016
  • Donostiako Udala. Ayuntamiento de San Sebastián
  • San Sebastián: ciudad de la cultura
  • AIETE: Casa de la Paz y los Derechos Humanos