Among the activities aimed at enhancing accessibility for people who find themselves excluded from cultural initiatives of this type, the Human Rights Film Festival and DSS2016EU will be screening the film Girlhood (2014), followed by a debate at the San Sebastián Penitentiary Facility.
France. Direction: Céline Sciamma. Production: Bénédicte Couvreur / Hold-Up Films & Productions, Lilies Films. Screenplay: Céline Sciamma. Photography: Crystel Fournier. Music: Para One. Edition: Julien Lacheray. Cast: Karidja Touré, Assa Sylla, Lindsay Karamoh, Marietou Touré, Idrissa Diabate. Running time: 112 min
Oppressed by her family setting, dead-end school prospects and the boys law in the neighborhood, Marieme starts a new life after meeting a group of 3 free-spirited girls. She changes her name, her dress code, and quits school to be accepted in the gang, hoping that this will be a way to freedom.