Poverty and homelessness are not inherent characteristics of any individual, but a situation that may arise for numerous reasons. There are many new forms of people in poverty, ranging from university students to those who are in work but do not earn enough to find a home, or parents who suddenly find themselves out of work. No one is safe from poverty or from finding themselves out on the street. All it takes is a succession of adverse circumstances.
In 2016, after the murder of our colleague Koldo Losada, we launched the Human Rights on Stage project, promoting social transformation through shared cultural creation, aiming to initiate processes that would raise awareness and prompt reflection about different aspects of human rights.
The project DIRECTLY involves, ON EQUAL TERMS, cultural professionals and groups at risk of exclusion (the elderly, people diagnosed with mental illness, those in rehabilitation for some type of addiction, unaccompanied foreign minors or those in situations of economic vulnerability or homelessness), promoting open and collaborative creative processes, with the script developed along the way, culminating in the production of a show, exhibition or audiovisual work to cast light on problems that typically "slip under the radar" of society.
Ados Teatroa
Film:Nadie está lejos