The exhibition "26th Luis Valtueña International Award" is open at Okendo Kultur Etxea

Donde no habite el olvido © María Clauss
Donde no habite el olvido © María Clauss


The exhibition 26th Luis Valtueña International Award, organized by Doctors of the World and from the program of the 21st Human Rights Film Festival, will be open between April 16th and June 15th at Okendo Kultur Etxea.

This prestigious award has been bestowed by Médicos del Mundo each year since 1997 to recognise the photographic excellence of those producing truthful and striking portraits of different social problems, injustices and human violations worldwide.

The 26th edition features the work of 5 photojournalists: the winner María Clauss, the finalists Nazik Armenakyan, Santi Palacios and Federico Ríos, and a special mention for Sáshenka Gutiérrez.

Guided tours
April 16 (17:15 / 19:00) Spanish
Santi Palacios
The Bucha massacre
The city of Bucha, close by Kyiv, will go down in history as one of the symbols of the atrocities perpetrated by the Russian forces in the invasion of Ukraine. The photo essay by Santi Palacios records the sensations and images immediately after the departure of the Russian troops, capturing the horror of everyday life amid a war, and conveying the desolation and harshness of the conflict.
Limited capacity. Inscription at: / 943 48 14 71

April 22 (19:00) Spanish
José Antonio Zorrilla
Ucrania, de la inexistencia a la estatalidad. Tres intentos fallidos


  • From Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 14:00 / 16:00 – 20:30
  • Saturdays and bridges: 10:00 – 14:00 / 16:30 – 20:00