Zinea eta giza eskubideen iv. Topaketak.
El canto del grillo

El canto del grillo (2006)

Joseba Perurena is an ETA activist who wants to start a new life with his girlfriend. But it’s never easy to shake off the past. A terrorist attack in Murcia. A college friend. Two men who meet again several years down the line.

Director: Dany Campos
Production: Eigavision, 14Pies Producciones, delaBelu
Script: Dany Campos
Photography: Ernesto Herrera
Music: Gonzalo Díaz Yerro
Edition: Jorge Prado
Cast: Asier Hormaza, Manuel Hernández, Alfonso Torregrosa
Running time: 18 min.
Contact: Eigavision
Tf: 91 357 49 87